Fetal Theraphy
Fetal Theraphy Fetal Reduction Fetal Blood Transfusion Fetal Shunt Pleural / Bladder Fetal Therapeutic treatment for complicated multiple pregnancy(LASER/RFA/Cord coagulation) Fetal Medical Treatment – thyroid, heart blocks etc.
Fetal Theraphy Fetal Reduction Fetal Blood Transfusion Fetal Shunt Pleural / Bladder Fetal Therapeutic treatment for complicated multiple pregnancy(LASER/RFA/Cord coagulation) Fetal Medical Treatment – thyroid, heart blocks etc.
Cervical Scan This is a transvaginal scan to measure the length of the cervix.It is recommended in women at high risk for preterm birth, including multiple pregnancies, those with a previous preterm birth, abnormalities of the uterus or previous cervical surgery.This examination is usually carried out at the time of the anomaly scan but in
Fetal Neurosonography We routinely screen fetal brain at every scan. Fetal brain is an organ which grows in size with changes in its structure and shape unlike most other organs which will grow in size only. Specialised fetal Neurosonogram will be advised in cases where there is suspicion of some brain abnormality.
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Early Fetal Echocardiography We routinely screen fetal heart in every examination, however in cases where there is previous affected child with Congenital Heart Disease, the couple wants to know about baby’s heart as early as possible. Can be carried out around 13 weeks GA at the time of NT scan. Will generally require transabdominal and
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Intra-Uterine Blood Transfusion Frequently Asked Questions Q. What is the meaning of intra-uterine blood transfusion? It is a procedure in which blood from a donor is injected into your baby. Q. Why is it done? It is done when your baby has less blood/red blood cells (anemia). This can happen due to numerous reasons,
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Fetal Reduction Some times more than two babies start growing in the uterus like triplets (three), quadruplets (four) and quintuplets (five). Most of the times this is associated with Assisted Reproductive Technology i.e. IVF pregnancy. In very less number of cases this can happen naturally also. Although major medical advances have improved the outcomes of
What is chorionic villous sampling? The placenta is an organ which develops during pregnancy attached to wall of womb. It provides oxygen and nutrients to your growing baby and removes waste products from your baby’s blood. Your baby’s umbilical cord arises from it. CVS is a test in which tissue from placenta is removed with
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Amniocentesis What is amniocentesis? Amniocentesis is a needle test which involves using a fine needle to remove a small amount of the amniotic fluid around your unborn baby (nothing but the baby’s urine).Amniocentesis is a diagnostic test. For example, it tells you that your baby does or does not have Down syndrome. Q. When should
What is NIPT? NIPT means non-invasive pre natal test also called as cell free DNA test. This is a simple test to know about the baby’s risk of having chromosomal abnormality. How the test is done? The test is done on mother’s blood. As only mother’s blood is taken poses no harm to the fetus
Genetics It is the study of how the living being receives common characteristics from the previous generations. For example facial features, height, skin color are inherited through genes from the parents to their children. Genetics tries to explain which characteristics are inherited and how they are passed from one generation to another. Most of the