Fetal Growth/ Wellbeing Scan

This ultrasound scan is usually carried at about 28 – 36 weeks of pregnancy.
Some obstetricians advise this scan to all women. Others reserve such scans for those women who have had previous complications of pregnancy such as pre-eclampsia, growth restriction, diabetes, stillbirth, and for those women who develop a problem during the course of their current pregnancy, twins triplet pregnancy etc.

This scan aims to determine the growth and health of the fetus by:

  • Measurement of the size of the fetal head, abdomen and thigh bone and calculation of an estimate of fetal weight
  • Examination of the movements of the fetus
  • Evaluation of the placental position and appearance
  • Measurement of the amount of amniotic fluid
  • Assessment of blood flow to the placenta and fetus by colour Doppler ultrasound

Early Fetal Echocardiography

We routinely screen fetal heart in every examination, however in cases where there is previous affected child with Congenital Heart Disease, the couple wants to know about baby’s heart as early as possible. Can be carried out around 13 weeks GA at the time of NT scan. Will generally require transabdominal and and transvaginal examinations.

Fetal Neurosonography

We routinely screen fetal brain at every scan. Fetal brain is an organ which grows in size with changes in its structure and shape unlike most other organs which will grow in size only. Specialised fetal Neurosonogram will be advised in cases where there is suspicion of some brain abnormality.