What is chorionic villous sampling?
The placenta is an organ which develops during pregnancy attached to wall of womb. It provides oxygen and nutrients to your growing baby and removes waste products from your baby’s blood. Your baby’s umbilical cord arises from it. CVS is a test in which tissue from placenta is removed with the help of a needle.
When is the ideal time to perform CVS?
Ideally CVS is done between 11th to 13thweeks. It can not be done after 14 weeks in the pregnancy.
When is this test offered?
This test will be offered to you in following situations.
- If the ultrasound scan of the baby is suggestive of any chromosomal or genetic disorder.
- If mother or father is likely to inherit any abnormality to the fetus (like Thalassemia, Sickle Cell Disease).
- History of previous baby, either born or unborn, having any chromosomal or genetic abnormality.
- If there is a history of genetic disease in your family.
Is there any risk to my baby if I undergo CVS?
Any invasive procedure carries some risk of miscarriage (abortion). After CVS the risk of miscarriage is 1:300 or even less, this means one out of 300 women will miscarry after CVS. At Nagpur fetal Medicine center you are at the hand of an expert so the risk is still less. Sometimes there may be culture failure where some tests may not be done on sample and we have to change the type of test or a repeat sample may he ve to be taken.
Precautions to be taken before and after CVS
No special precautions required before the procedure. Have proper breakfast or lunch before amniocentesis, have good sleep the night before amniocentesis, so that you are relaxed during the procedure. Similarly no special precautions required after the procedure. You can take your routine pregnancy supplements and can join your work the next day.